Monday, November 15, 2021

Perfect Stove Popped Popcorn

 I don't know about you but we've spent a lot of time binging tv shows and watching movies over the last two years.  Our favourite go to snack is popcorn.  Microwave popcorn is great in a pinch but stove popped corn smothered in butter and salt is so much better.  It has taken me a while to get the technique right but I've figured out a way to get almost all of the popcorn kernels popped.  

Try this and let me know how it works for you!

Perfect Stove Popped Popcorn

3 Tbsp. Vegetable Oil
½ c. Popcorn

  1. In a large saucepan, heat the vegetable oil over medium high heat.*  When you start to feel the heat off the pan, add all the popcorn kernels.  Place the lid on the pan.**
  2. Do not shake the pan just leave it on the stove.  Once you hear a few kernels pop, take the pot completely off the heat and set a timer for 1 minute.  Place the pot back on the heat and let it sit there.***  You will hear it go crazy popping. Once the pops slow down, lift the pot off the heat and start shaking the pan back and forth until the popping stops.  Remove the lid.  Pour into a large bowl and season with your favourite topping.

* Everyones stove is different.  My stove goes up to 10 so i find 6 is perfect.
** I wrap the lid in a kitchen towel and then cover the pan but you don't have to.  I just find condensed moisture on the lid sometimes drips on the popcorn.
*** While you are waiting, place butter in the microwave and get whatever seasoning you want.  Parmesan, Nooch (nutritional yeast is amazingly cheesy and vegan), etc.

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